Warning: Undefined array key "callerpage" in /srv/disk6/4486369/www/sewhk.atwebpages.com/henlibrary/CMS/editvolu2.php on line 12

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /srv/disk6/4486369/www/sewhk.atwebpages.com/henlibrary/CMS/editvolu2.php:12) in /srv/disk6/4486369/www/sewhk.atwebpages.com/henlibrary/CMS/editvolu2.php on line 13
SEW Library Data Entry One Book Volume management      
  書號/名: 156 / 新春聯歡會 2019-02-22
V# 敍述 vol_id lib_file vol_url
1 活動錄影 449 url.wnw https://vimeo.com/331909799
   Edit Volume:
    1. To insert, enter >Vol# will insert there,
       and existing ones will be pushed downwards. 
       Blank Vol# will be appended at end.
    2. To edit, enter existing Vol#.
       Entering a non-existent Vol# will do nothing.
    3. To delete - Enter "XXX" in Vol Description.
    4. For photogallery, enter filename as "photogallery.phg".
       You will come to editphoto.php to enter the actual photo
       Upload the actual photos to server/henlibray/photogallery/.
    5. For PDF, enter filename as the actual pdf 
       (with .pdf but without path).  Upload the actual pdf file
       to server/henlibray/libstack/.
    6. For hyperlink shown in iframe, enter filename as the actual
       url (must begin with http:// or https://), even if no change. 
    7. For hyperlink shown in _blank, enter filename as the actual
       url, followed by " np", even if no change.      
    8. To Resequence, Enter OldVol#->NewVol#.   
    9. No need to re-enter data if no change.